Republicans’ commitment to America | News, Sports, Jobs - The Sentinel

2022-10-09 09:42:00 By : Ms. Monica Pan

After some brutal economic years, skyrocketing crime, and a lack of transparency under Joe Biden, it was refreshing to hear Kevin McCarthy put an ample plan forward to solve our many problems in America. In four simple steps, the “Commitment to America Plan” paves the way for Republicans to get our country back on track.

Their first step is halting reckless spending that led to historic inflation. Republicans outlined how to slash skyrocketing gas prices and inflation, end energy dependence on China and Russia, and anchor our supply chains in the United States.

Second, McCarthy prioritized a commitment to safety. It is about time we end the Biden Border Crisis, secure the southern border, and give law enforcement the resources they need to tackle the increasing crime that ravages our cities across the country. It’s clear to me that Republicans are demanding more resources and due respect for those in law enforcement.

Democrats soft on crime policies have left American cities rampant with crime.

Third, McCarthy and the Republicans clearly want to put the everyday American back in control of their own lives following a pandemic that led to Democrats having too much power over your day-to-day life. Under Democrat rule, our small businesses were shuttered, our kids were kept at home at the expense of their education, and there was nobody to hold them accountable for upending your way of life as you know it.

Democrats have slowly diminished our freedoms. How much more are you willing to forfeit?

Finally, we must hold the government accountable for their failures. If you disagree with Joe Biden’s America, you’ll find yourself silenced while your constitutional freedoms are under attack. It’s a relief to hear that the Republicans plan to hold Joe Biden accountable for his costly failures.

The House Republicans’ Commitment to America is a commitment to the things we all care about — a stronger middle class economy, eliminating out-of-control crime, protecting our freedoms, and a government held accountable by the American people. It’s time for solutions, and under House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Republicans have a plan.

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